Growth GROUPs
The best way to make a big church feel small is by joining a Growth Group. They are a great place to grow in your relationship with God and others. Meeting in homes across the area, people are doing life together in a fun-filled, relaxed environment and it’s easier than ever to get connected! The groups are held in the Spring, Summer and Fall. You can view the different locations
Next Steps
There are four specifically designed classes to help you take steps towards fulfilling God’s plan for your life. These classes are a great place for adults and teens that are brand new to Northwood. It not only helps you connect with God, it helps you make some great new friends.
The classes are:

Please sign up below and you will be notified when the next class is scheduled.

Park Rangers
Northwood is excited to partner with our surrounding communities and offer a safe and enjoyable place for the entire family to experience recreational sports and various other activities. As part of our missions to LIVE, GROW, GO, we at Northwood want to come alongside these families and provide assistance where it may be needed while spending time onsite at our beautiful facilities. That’s why we’ve created Northwood Park Rangers. Park Rangers will have the incredible role of being able to provide information, conversation and care to those who choose to visit and partake in activities at Central Park or the surrounding sports fields. Requirements are simple for this role; just SHOW UP and SHOW LOVE! That’s it!
We’re excited that you are interested in this position and look forward to giving you more info after signing up.
Sign up here!